Range & SGA Update

Range and Short Game Area Update

The contractors are making good progress with the earth movement and shaping the range. They
commenced onsite in early May with the initial earth movement and shaping is scheduled to take up
to 12 weeks depending upon soil and weather conditions. This work remains on schedule. The
finishing work including installing the drainage system will commence immediately after that. This
work is scheduled for 6-8 weeks. The ground will then be seeded followed by a grow-in period. Tree
planting and the final environmental requirements of the range development will take place in the Autumn.

The latest update from Booths is available on the notice board for information.

The outdoor bays and grass tee area will be constructed once the main contractors are off site in
readiness for opening.

Due to the inclement weather experienced earlier in the year the main range will now be opening in

The short game area is progressing well. The bunkers have now been shaped and lined and will be
finished in the coming weeks. The area will be opened once Phil and Richie are happy with its

*Richard Baird
Project Manager