WHS and Rules
A reminder that the ‘Acceptable for Handicapping’ period will soon be ending. This is when tee boxes are moved such that we no longer have a WHS rated course and as such no scores will be added to a player’s record once this is done. WHS scores will resume in the spring.
We will be conducting a thorough handicap review towards the end of the year. Under ‘peer review’ if anyone believes a specific player does not have a handicap that is truly representative of their golfing level, we would be happy to carry out a specific review of that player if they have not otherwise come to our attention. Equally if you yourself believe you do not have a representative handicap, we can similarly conduct a specific review, Please provide details in both cases to the appropriate Handicap Secretary
Penalty scores - respond to the England Golf reminders you get - input your score if you have not done so or chase your marker if they have not verified it. If you can’t resolve the issue contact your Handicap Secretary. We are still seeing too many of these.
Last newsletter I advised always having a unique mark on your ball - here is a situation that explains why it is important - you hit your ball into a bunker and then your playing partner does the same, but he was playing the exact same make and number of ball. You did not actually see the balls end up in the bunker and when you get there you have no idea who’s is who’s. In this situation, both balls are declared ‘lost’ and you must go back a replay your shot under penalty. MARK YOUR BALL!
Did you take the Rules Quiz in the last Newsletter? Regardless, here is a link to the ‘Intermediate’ version - have fun!
Steve Kelly
Men's Handicap Secretary